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KKI510D 多级降压式套筒导向型调节阀

KKI510D 系列调节阀采用了多级降压式套筒,控制了流经阀内件的流体流速,故可大幅度降低高压差气体或蒸汽所产生的噪音,也可有效防止液体产生气蚀现象,是一种无气蚀损伤、低噪音、控制流体稳定的经济型调节阀。

The Series KKI510D valves are engineered specifically for critical anti-cavitation and low noise applications on liquids, gases or steam. Multi-stage cage controls flowing velocities in the valve trim by forcing the process fluid to follow a tortuous path of right-angle turns. The resistance to flow provided by these turns reduces fluid velocities significantly. Therefore, a vena contracta is never formed in the trim and noise and cavitation are stopped before they can start.